
Gone But Not Forgotten

 There is a lot of things that were in my past that are no longer here but I have chose to talk about my old yellow lab named Angel. When I was growing, from the time I was born to about when I was 4 years old, I was a lonely child and had no siblings. Well before I was born my parents had gotten a yellow lab named Angel. So when I was born and to the age that I could play with her I instantly felt a great connection to her and she ultimately became like my sidekick. We did everything together and I would lay by her when I would get home and most nights she would lay in my bed with me. My dad used to have a lawn and garden store and he would bring me as well as the dog to the store with him and to keep me occupied during the day I would play with Angel. Angel was a older dog by the time I had gotten to be with her but she still enjoyed doing things like going for walks and playing with sticks. She never did enjoy water ands she would not play fetch. Unfortunately Angel was crossing...


 My first best friend was my neighbor same who lived across the street from me. From when I was born to the age of 10 Sam lived next door to me and we were together most days after school and on the weekend. When I was little I enjoyed to play with the Thomas the Train toys and so did he. If we weren't in my basement playing with the trains we were in his playing with trains. It was always a fun activity to do. I was never a very athletic person so it was nice to have someone to play with who didn't always want to play sports, because I am not athletic in the slightest. When I was 10 years old Sam and his family moved off of my street. They didn't move vert far away but it made a difference to us. It seemed very weird to not play trains or to see him every day. After a while we started to hang out again and it was pretty cool. To this day we are still friends. We aren't as close as we were when we were little but we are still friends. 

School Years

 I started my education at a small catholic school called St. Catherine's. In my class starting from kindergarten all the way until 5 grade there was only 3 of us. So when I had to go to a public school it was a big change for me. My favorite part of school was when we got to learn about history. I greatly enjoyed going to school when I was little. Another thing I loved about school was when I got to go to library. I loved this because my grandma was the librarian.  When I was little I spent a lot of time with my friends and family. My family is extremely close so I always was with them. Most people in my family went to St. Catherine's to school so the school is kind of important to me as well as my family. After I got through 5th grade I went to St. Joes in Wright until I was in 8th grade. I really enjoyed my 3 years in that school. It was nice to see more kids my age around me as well as get to see friends I wasn't normally able to see because I went to a different school...

About me

   I was born on June 19, 2004. I have 2 siblings one of which has passed away, both sisters and my mom and dad. I have a very close knit family and we all live within a 2 mile radius of each other. Growing up this close has provided us with challenges but also is very convenient when we need something. I am the second youngest grand kid out of 18 so when I was growing up I was constantly getting picked on by my other cousin's. Although I didn't enjoy getting picked on then now I consider these people my siblings. Ever since I was little we have always done everything together, especially on holidays. Holidays have always been a very important part of my family. Christmas and Thanksgiving are very important for our family. We have family all over the Unites States now because of jobs and people living out of state. However, for these holidays mainly Christmas, everyone comes together to celebrate the holidays at my grandparents house. Because of the fact that everyone comes ho...